
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

(or) Why Rich Uncle Pennybags Always Passes Go

The wealthy in this country seem to have been so buffered by their finances that they simply don't realize that choice is frequently a luxury. Mitt Romney has really helped expose this element of our society, and for that alone I will thank him. But the super-rich are known to make defensive exclamitories like "Well, I mow my own lawn" seemingly without being cognizant of how "elitist" that statement is on its own. In this country, if you are LUCKY, you own a lawn. And if you do, chances are that, other than mowing it yourself, you can't possibly afford any alternate method of acquiring a freshly trimmed yard, excluding some enterprising youngster in your vicinity.

The monied appear to think they are actually a higher caliber of person, rather than just another shlub working for pay, and they ignore or decry anything which ruptures this illusion. They even come to feel that their tastes, proclivities, and preferences are superior because of their existential financial situation. This is also why there is such hullabaloo about "class warfare" when the spectre of higher taxes are raised. Clearly they support a stratified society, but we are not supposed to have a caste structure. Perhaps they will see reason. And perhaps we will be at a point soon that, despite all their means, they'll have no choice in the matter.

Music For Your Ears To Taste: "King Rat" by Modest Mouse


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